Saturday, March 21, 2020

What Are The Best Violin Movies

What Are The Best Violin Movies How is the Violin Represented in Cinema? ChaptersMusic and Cinema: Two Unifying ThemesViolin Movies: The Violin TeacherViolin Movies: Plum ChickenFeature Film on the Violin: The SoloistViolin Filmography: The ConcertViolin Movies: The ViolinMovies on the Violin: The MelodyViolin Cinema: The Red ViolinMusic drives out hate in those who are without love. She gives peace to those who are without rest, she comforts those who cry - Pablo CasalsIt's a fact, and it's even become a popular quote, music soothes  the soul. Indeed, between the clarinet, cello, chamber orchestra, sonata, or Bernstein... there are so many instruments, songs and musicians who help us drift away into our pleasant memories or happy thoughts.According to Cadenceinfo, only 3% of people do not like music, which means that 97% do. A very high percentage, which has become one of the main pastimes and interests of the population. Evidenced by the creation and existence of awards for the best original music in a film or television series.It is, therefore, natural that cinema has embraced songs, and thematic background music, to enhance their films and audience's emotions, sometimes even making music their main topic. This is particularly the case for the violin, which we're about to see, as it has helped to create many beautiful films, like a cinematic symphony!books on the violin.Violin Filmography: The ConcertA concert, a musical instrument, an audience, we don't need anything more to make a film about the violin! (Source: Pixabay)Released in 2009, The Concert is a film brought to life by Mélanie Laurent, through the prism of the Bolshoi orchestra, which leads the narrative thread of the film. The Concert is a story of travel, from the Soviet Union to France, from music to emotions, embodied by a large group of actors.A movie-going experience makes sense in all ways here as it is precisely all our senses that are called into action in this movie. Indeed, throughout history, we can distinguish beautiful music in all its glory, including t he instruments that interests us today: the violin, played passionately and with great talent. It's undeniable, when music is the centrepiece of a film, it often makes a great cinematic experience!Violin Movies: The ViolinIn 2007, The Violin was released, a Mexican film (or rather, drama), staged against a backdrop of political turmoir. The main characters of this film, a father and his son, lead a double life, between being guerrillas trying to overthrow their government to musicians  playing  music on their small farm.Many events, fit in-line with the sometimes cruel reality of life, however,  music remains the pivot, the pillar, and, once again, a great accessory giving weight to beautiful values, good feelings, and moments of grace in the film. A must-see even more so if you are interested in Mexico!Movies on the Violin: The MelodyReleased in 2017, this film, directed by Rachid Hami and including Kad Merad and Samir Guesmi, takes for its main character (who could it be?) the vio lin!  The Melody is a fictional story of a violinist who is a little disillusioned with life, who finds himself one day as a music teacher (of the violin, to be precisely) facing a difficult class of 12 yr old students.However, a very shy child stands out, and discovers a passion, even a real talent, for the violin, who then carries everyone along with him, including the teacher, evoking his memories of music and harmony.The Melody is proof that the violin can be enough to hold a film together from the beginning to the end, with, as a bonus, emotions, and events worthy of a real violin novel. A very captivating film about the power of music, its unifying force, and its universal character, which unites people together, despite the negative things that can happen and the tensions that can arise between humans.Violin Cinema: The Red ViolinThe Red Violin is a film which was released in 1998, tells us the story of Nicolo Bussotti, a violin maker  who, despite the death of his wife and s on, decides to finish the violin he was in the midst of creating. Following this, this same violin will travel around the world, and we follow its journey.This is the proof that music, which has a  universal quality, can travel through time and space and knows no bounds. To crown it all off, this film received the Oscar for the best musical score!Through this selection of films centred around the violin, we begin to see that this incredible instrument, beyond being beautiful, can be a universal force, bringing to the human culture something more sensitive, harmonious, and unifying, of which we are all in need!

Friday, March 6, 2020

In-State vs. Out-of-State Colleges How to Choose

In-State vs. Out-of-State Colleges How to Choose Selecting a college that is right for you can seem like an impossible decision. Chances are, your state offers several possibilities, ranging from public universities to private liberal arts schools. There are schools in your town, nearby towns, and other states or even countries. There are colleges offering large campuses, small class sizes, and every student to teacher ratio in between. The act of selecting a school can quickly become overwhelming. While there are many ways to narrow down your search, location can be a big one for some students. So, how do you choose? Comparing in-state and out-of-state colleges can be a good place to begin. Think about where you want to live Before you even begin to think about cost or any number of factors, consider where it is you want to live for the next four-plus years. If you love your home state and hope to end up there someday, you may seriously consider an in-state school. If youre looking for a change, an out-of-state school may be the right choice for you. For many students, it can be easier to find employment after graduation in the town or state in which they received their degree. Students hold internships, make connections, and become a part of the community in which they study, so finding a location you enjoy can narrow down your choices. Consider the cost A great way to compare in-state and out-of-state schools is by looking at a breakdown of what it might cost to attend each. Out-of-state tuition can be very costly, but some schools offer waivers or other forms of financial aid. Find out as much as you can about particular policies regarding tuition and see if it fits realistically within your budget. Some students choose to begin their studies at an in-state school, saving money to transfer to an out-of-state school down the road. Do some investigating to find out if this is an option that might work for you. [RELATED: 3 Questions to Ask Your College About Financial Aid] Look at degree programs of interest If youve got your heart set on studying something specific, it is important to know that not all schools are created equal. Some schools only offer a limited number of majors, leaving you to explore out-of-state opportunities. Some degree programs are location specificif you want to study marine biology, for instance, Idaho may not be the right state for you. Similarly, New York City may not be your ideal location if youre interested in rural wildfires. [RELATED: How to Design Your Own College Major] Certain schools and even degree programs also monitor the number of students accepted in-state and out-of-state, meaning your chances of getting into a school or program could potentially vary based on where youre coming from. This will be good information to find out, no matter your decision. Evaluate potential opportunities If youre a student athlete and hope to pursue your sport in college, location can be a factor worthy of consideration. Some schools offer great ski programs while others specialize in soccerwhere do you fit in? Climate and geography can be limiting factors in these situations. Maybe youre interested in investigative journalism and find a lack of options within your state. In this case, look for out-of-state schools that excel in your chosen field. Youll also want to think about potential experiences available in and out of your state. For some students, college is all about trying new things. For them, an out-of-state college might be just the ticket to adventure and education. For others, in-state schools offer the same amount of opportunities while remaining somewhat familiar. The bottom line Ultimately, the best way to see if a college, be it in-state or out of it, is right for you is to take a trip there. If possible, make multiple visits at different times of year. This will give you a good idea of what the climate and general atmosphere of the school (and location) is like. Youll also see how students interact with one another and youll have an opportunity to discuss possible financial aid options in person. [RELATED: Top 10 Tips for College Campus Visits] In-state colleges are great options for some students, while the out-of-state experience is right for others. Identifying a college that is the right fit will be extremely beneficial in your future academic success. Take your time and find out whats right for you.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Time-Saving Hacks for Busy Music Students

Time-Saving Hacks for Busy Music Students Suzy S. These days, busy seems like the norm. Kids schedules are packed with extracurriculars, and some families are barely making time for dinner. College students are running from classes to internships, and most adults are just trying to find that elusive work-life balance. What ever happened to taking a break, grabbing your guitar, and noodling away for an afternoon? While you cant shirk your responsibilities, there  are  ways to manage your schedule and, consequently, end up with more time to spend on your music.  Here are a few time-saving hacks for aspiring musicians: (1) Schedule in your practice time, in a dedicated space. If youre using Im too busy! as an excuse not to practice, consider the power of scheduling in your practice sessions. For the super-organized, this might mean literally writing it on your calendar, or even setting a reminder on your phone. A huge part of time management is also recognizing when youre most productive. Select a time of day when youre able to focus on your music, without distractions. And dont stress about the duration: even if its just 15 minutes, that time is well-spent. Another tip is to create a dedicated practice space. Leaving your instrument out may not be an option if you have pets or kids running around, but consider organizing all of your music and accessories (music stand, metronome, etc.) in one spot. That way, youre not sifting through piles of sheet music to find what you need, or rushing to pack up your bag before heading to a lesson. (2) Focus on the right things.   So weve established so far: if you have 10 or 15 minutes, you have time to practice! But how do you make sure that time is effective? To start, think about the three most important things youre trying to improve. Is it a specific passage in a song? Are you struggling with a certain technique? Dive in and focus on those things to make the best use of your time. For more specific strategies, check out these tips for drum practice and tips for guitar practice. (3) Consider online music lessons. The data doesnt lie: more and more students are getting comfortable with learning online. Weve seen a huge increase in online students, as teachers and students alike get comfortable with this new technology. And why wouldnt they? The days of scouring through racks of records, tapes, and CDs are long-gone; now, you can download entire albums with one click. If you want to pull up the guitar chords for a certain song, youre likely Googling it on your iPhone instead of thumbing through books or sheet music. With video chat programs like the TakeLessons Classroom (our version of Skype, only much cooler!), students can connect with music teachers anywhere. And since youre taking these lessons at home, youre cutting out the hassles of commuting. Instead, use those precious minutes to warm up or practice a few songs. Immediately after your lesson, run through what you learned before you forget! The bottom line? Being busy shouldnt stop you from pursuing your passion or hobby. If music is important to you, make the time for it;  youll notice it really does make a difference in your progress! Interested in online music lessons? Browse teacher profiles and learn about our lesson programs here!   Photo by AKZOphoto Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

What is the Cost of Acting Classes

What is the Cost of Acting Classes What Is The Overall Cost Of Acting Training? ChaptersFame And Fortune Doesn't Come For FreeThe Cost Of Training To Be An Actor At Drama SchoolTraining To Become An Actor With Classes For AdultsFinancial Aid For Student ActorsWhat Other Costs Are Involved In Starting Out In Acting? CarlActing Teacher 5.00 (5) £55/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaActing Teacher 5.00 (8) £45/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ElifActing Teacher 5.00 (10) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors CalumActing Teacher 5.00 (15) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ChristopherActing Teacher 5.00 (9) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LowriActing Teacher 5.00 (8) £85/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DanielActing Teacher 5.00 (6) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors CiaranActing Teacher 5.00 (5) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsFame And Fortune Doesn't Come For FreeWhen you imagine your life in years to come, do you see yourself with a fast car, a big house and fancy cl othes? While that could be you, it is important to note that there is a price to pay before you reach that level of success as a performer!When I say price, I not only mean the cost to you financially, I also mean the value of your time and efforts (like doing free acting for a time)... but that is something you will learn and experience on your own when it comes down to it. Right here and now, I am here to inform you of the estimated costs involved in starting out as an auditioning actor.Before we begin, and before you get scared off by the idea of investing hard into your future, you should know that some truly passionate trained actors will go to the end of the Earth in order to find fame... literally!Some will turn their entire lives upside down and relocate to bustling international neighbourhoods, like Hollywood blvd, Beverly blvd and the heart of New York City, at times with their entire family in tow, so that they are in the right place at the right time for those top notch auditions and opportunities.Just think of how much money these people spend on their careers in the entertainment industry even after all of their acting  class expenses, before you start to worry about if paying for acting school or a class in acting is too much of a stretch. While it is not always necessary to pick up and move for an acting career, unfortunately, there is no getting around shelling out for some training or qualifications as this is a prerequisite for the job.Whether you are feeling very cautious about your spending or money is no object to you, I will try to explain how much you are looking to pay for different types of drama curriculum  and other aspects of the life of a training actor.On the plus side, if you do end up making millions, you can enjoy a life of jet-setting around the world and choosing where you make your home. Then, you will look back on these days of confusion and struggles and wonder why you were ever worried about funding the start of this fan tastic, fulfilling and life-changing career!Find acting classes near me.Some really committed actors in training will relocate to places like Hollywood to increase their chances of finding fame. Photo on VisualhuntThe Cost Of Training To Be An Actor At Drama SchoolA certified drama school in the UK will offer you a two-three year course on all things related to the dramatic arts, like vocal training, spontaneity and improv classes, becoming an actor and physical and emotional expression. They will also teach you about acting and the different types of acting techniques, including the Sanford Meisner Technique, the Alexander Technique, Lee Strasberg, Method Acting and more.You will also learn about different qualities and aspects of acting like cold reading, script analysis and listening to instruction.At some of the top acting schools or colleges, you can expect to pay more than £5,000 per term, however, some theatre schools offer a year of tuition for £9,000 or less. Meanwhile, t here are less costly solutions for training up to be an actor too.Sylvia Young Academy - full-timeOne very well-known London-based school is the prestigious Sylvia Young Theatre School, where famous figures like Tom Fletcher of McFly, Matt Willis of Busted, the late Amy Winehouse, Dua Lipa, Rita Ora, Kara Tointon, Keeley Hawes and Nicole Appleton (formerly in the music band All Saints) attended, not to mention a long list of EastEnders actors. These stars switched school life in Marble Arch for a famously chaotic one in the fictional borough of Walford.Admissions to this theatre school normally take place aged seven or aged eleven and the cost per term is just under £5,000.Performing Arts School, Newcastle - summer sessionAs a young talent in the Newcastle area, you could benefit from attending an acting camp  designed for aspiring actors. The short week costs between £100 and £150 and results in stage productions  for family and friends.During your time at the Gosforth Academy, days will be full of acting out scenarios on stage, singing songs and dancing to exciting music tracks.At the end of a week-long course, you can display your newly learnt skills in front of friends and family. Photo credit: EaglebrookSchool on Visual HuntPauline Quirke Academy, various locations - weekend classesThe Pauline Quirke Academy, or PQA, was set up by the famous actress to provide after school tuition for kids and teenagers aged between 4 and 18 because the star's best memories of when she was younger were from attending drama classes.In a bid to recreate this warm environment for other generations, Pauline has set up weekend drama schools across the country covering topics such as Comedy and Drama, Musical Theatre and Film and Television. The pupils are taught by specialist tutors, and modules benefit from Pauline's 50+ years of experience within the field.For three hours a week, 44 weeks of the year, a primary school age child will accumulate fees costing £88 per month. CarlActing Teacher 5.00 (5) £55/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaActing Teacher 5.00 (8) £45/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ElifActing Teacher 5.00 (10) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors CalumActing Teacher 5.00 (15) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ChristopherActing Teacher 5.00 (9) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LowriActing Teacher 5.00 (8) £85/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DanielActing Teacher 5.00 (6) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors CiaranActing Teacher 5.00 (5) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsTraining To Become An Actor With Classes For AdultsYou will find various postgraduate courses at universities and academies, with applicant and admission information being found at UCAS or on the individual establishments' websites.Acting classes, on the other hand, are extremely difficult to put a price on. There are so many factors that come into play, that it is almost impo ssible to give a rounded figure as guidance.Some coaches in the inner city of London might be at liberty to charge far more than those working in smaller towns or cities, whilst a private acting tutor who has a wealth of experience can understandably be expected to charge more per semester for their expertise. It doesn't matter how talented you are you, you will have to pay the same as everyone else on the course unless you have been picked to receive a scholarship.Even when searching for private acting coaches on Gumtree, prices are very rarely disclosed. This is to protect you as much as themselves, as they don’t want to give an estimated number that scares people off when in fact they can be flexible and look at building courses around your needs.Here are some examples of public and private weekday and weekend courses  found in different areas of the country, covering a wide range of topics, to give you an idea of what is out there:Title: Drama - An Introduction to Acting Wher e: St Faiths Adult Education Centre, Maidstone Duration: 10:00-16:00 for 1 week How much: £50.00Title: Various modules coveredWho: Leeds Adult Acting Classes Where: Kirkstall Road, Leeds Duration: 19:30-21:30, Monday-Thursday How much: £18 per 2 hour class or £72 for 4 weeks payable in advance  Title: Improv Taster Session Where: The Bristol Improv Theatre, Bristol Duration: 1h30 How much: Free taster session  Title: Intermediate Acting Level 2 Where: Pinewood Studios, London Duration: 10 sessions How much: £359.10- £399.00Title: Level 1 Beginner Where: Citizens Theatre, Glasgow Duration: 18:00-20:00, Tuesdays (1 term) How much: £85.00 for 9 sessionsOf course, there are even more options if you wish to become an undergraduate international student. Across Europe and America, you'll find academies and universities dedicated to the theatre or filmmaking industries, including Juilliard School, Yale School of Drama, New York Film Academy,   William Esper Studio and Calif ornia Institute of the Arts, where you can obtain a Bachelor of Fine Arts, Master of Fine Arts or a relevant diploma.Wherever you choose to study and however, intensive or casual training with emphasis on acting techniques is invaluable for your career and could be what leads you to train and work alongside some of the best actors, casting directors and talent agents. It is at school that you develop your own profound uniqueness and get clarity on just how much you want to get a breakthrough in the industry. Finding private acting lessons near you might be challenging, depending on where you live, but they are certainly worth it.Financial Aid For Student ActorsStudent Finance is a popular way for most students to pay for elements of their degree and training.A Tuition Fee Loan is designed to fund your course in full, only needing to be repaid once you start earning money from the profession you then choose to enter. Any UK citizen can apply for a loan, and with a means-tested Mainte nance Loan on offer too, some can receive even more money than others to help them with living costs for the duration of their course.A Maintenance Grant does not need to be paid back, while Maintenance Loans do.If accepted for a Tuition Fee Loan, your fees will be paid to the school, college or university of your choice in instalments.What Other Costs Are Involved In Starting Out In Acting?Aside from the obvious coaching tuition, there are several other things that you can expect to add to your long list of expenditures when training to become a confident actor or actress.Headshots, for one, are surprisingly costly but are a requirement for the industry. Your headshot needs to be done by a professional, but you only need to do it a couple of times a year, unless you change your appearance drastically (like chop your hair off, grow a beard or get a visible tattoo or piercing that changes the way you look).You might also want to sign yourself up to casting websites, especially if you don’t have an agent representing you. You will need to pay the agency a fee, so research which casting sites are the best instead of paying various fees.Some actors may attend workshops from time to time, to keep adding new skills to their resume. These aren’t mandatory, but it’s another consideration when you are looking at numbers.Finally, I can’t not mention the fundamental cost of living, which of course applies to all, no matter their profession. The difference for trainee actors, however, is that they often aren’t working professionals as such. Most aspiring actors will hold down part-time jobs whilst applying for various auditions, so they somehow need to find the money for rent, food, social outings, etc…As an actor, you may need to gain or lose weight for roles so you may need to be prepared to pay for a personal trainer. Photo on Visual huntIn addition, as an actor, you will most likely be very aware of your appearance and understand that you must look after y our body. As such, gym memberships, personal trainers, hairdressers, stylists, beauticians and many other costs will no doubt come into play.Find acting classes in the UK with Superprof:Acting classes LondonActing classes ManchesterActing Coach Scotland

How to Tap into Your Creativity Whenever You Need it - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / How to Tap into Your Creativity Whenever You Need it - Introvert Whisperer How to Tap into Your Creativity Whenever You Need it Just think about it â€" we need creativity to address just about every challenge that comes our way. From overcoming a housing dilemma to building a successful career, you will have to think outside the box in order to be content with the outcome. One big hurdle that we face as humans is that creativity seems to go out the window right when we need it. Stressful situations often lead to mental blocks and even conscious efforts aren’t going to lead to a resolution. The good news is that just like many other skills, creativity can be strengthened. Here are a few approaches and techniques you can practice for the purpose of accessing the best solution whenever you’re in need of some inspiration. Always Plan Ahead   Chances are that unpredictable situations stress you out. In order to counter this effect, you should attempt to plan ahead as much as possible. Planning ahead is one of the best ways to minimize stress and as already mentioned â€" stress can kill all of your creativity. In addition, dealing with organizational tasks and knowing you’re not going to have to focus your mental powers on those will make it much easier to dedicate all resources to creativity when the time is right. A creative process can also be highly structured and organized if you train your mind this way. Accept the fact that you have a lot of creative potentials but don’t stop there. Work on creative ideas even at times when such isn’t needed. When all of the preliminary work is done and you have a “shortcut” in your mind, you will find it much easier to respond adequately when the time is right. Don’t Stress about it Let’s say you have a highly creative job like essay writing, for example. If this is the case, you know that coming up with a truly original idea during an assignment can be a mission impossible. You will probably feel that your idea isn’t good enough, original or innovative enough. Many people suffer from self-doubt, especially at a time when they’re asked to step outside the box and contribute with something brand new. If you’re such a person, you may find out that you’re truly afraid of sharing the idea with the rest of the world because it could get judged or it could be considered not original enough. Don’t stress about it! Remember that you probably are your harshest critic. Once you overcome the idea and share with the rest of the world, chances are that you’ll get a much more positive reception than what you anticipated. If you are striving to get that brilliant idea every single time, chances are that you’ll never get anything done. Instead, accept what you’ve managed to come up with. Chances are that it will need some tweaking in the future but this is something you can do without causing yourself unnecessary stress right from the start. Enjoy Alone Time Renewing your creative voice is often about spending some quality time on your own and being active when it comes to listening to that inner voice and developing your ideas. Solitude silences all of the clutter that you otherwise have in your life. The opinions of others, TV, internet and communication channels all keep you busy and incapable of focusing on what matters the most. Getting rid of those every now and then will feel truly refreshing. There is sufficient evidence that solitude helps for creative work. If you’re an introvert, you already enjoy spending time on your own. Instead of feeling troubled by this aspect of your character, however, you should learn to embrace it. Challenging yourself to go out there more is admirable but don’t push yourself too hard. Doing a bit of research will show you that some of the world’s most creative minds have always been introverts. Bill Gates, Steven Spielberg, Mark Zuckerberg, JK Rowling, Michael Jordan, Meryl Streep and many other talented individuals are all self-professed introverts. Instead of fighting against this characteristic, you should learn how to make the most of it. Switch it Up Focusing at one and the same thing incessantly will drain your creative juices. Chances are that you’ve faced such situations at work and in your personal life. To train your creativity, you should simply get in the habit of switching things up. It’s always a good idea to opt for something new whenever you feel that you’re at a standstill and you’re not being productive. A side project will take your mind off that block and allow you to take a break. You’ve probably noticed that some of your most creative ideas have come to the surface at a time when you weren’t consciously engaged in the process. They could have occurred under the shower, before you go to sleep or while you’re handling a mundane task. This is precisely the sub-conscious mechanism that you’ll be trying to tap into by switching things up. The same rule applies to your routine. Are you used to doing one and the same thing every single day? Going to work following the same route? Exercising at the same gym two times per week? It’s time to change things. Anything that is out of the ordinary will stimulate your brain, even if the change pertains solely to a simple change of breakfast. Do Something Artistic You don’t need to be the world’s greatest painter in order to give drawing a try. Who knows, you may discover a passion that you have never been aware of. Doing something artistic isn’t about excelling at it. The activity focuses much more on finding a new outlet for your creative potential. Art brings an array of mental health benefits to the table. It’s a wonderful anti-stress tool. In addition, artistic processes are great for getting those creative juices flowing, they increase self-esteem and can even be used in the fight against anxiety and depression. You can choose among a wide range of options â€" drawing, improv theater, pottery, jewelry making, photography, sculpting â€" you name it, there’s probably a course for it. Alternatively, you will have to get some supplies and experiment with those at home. The purpose of art isn’t to establish a direct connection with the creative problem you’re trying to solve. Rather, it trains your imagination and gives your mind a break. Both of these can be particularly beneficial in the long run. Bonus Tip: Start a Journal Just like art, starting a journal is a lovely exercise that will be beneficial for your mental health. Allowing your thoughts to flow freely will enlighten you about things you’re troubled by, things you think about, your creative potential, hopes, and desires. Don’t edit yourself when attempting to journal. There aren’t correct or wrong methods to do it. Just get a notebook and a pen and allow your mind to wonder. Journaling may feel a bit uncomfortable at first because it will bring many emotions to the surface. Once you get used to it, however, you’ll find out that it build a better connection with your inner self and makes it easier to verbalize your ideas. Needless to say, you don’t need to master all of these approaches in order to make your creativity flow. Try the ones that appeal to you, modify them and focus your efforts on self-awareness. While one strategy delivers amazing results for some people, others will be in need of a completely different approach in order to get the desired results. There’s no universal approach and that’s the beauty of it. Bio Author: Amelia White is a passionate writer. She likes writing about creativity and productivity. In spare time, Amelia travels around the world. Befriend her on  Facebook Go to top Personal Branding starts with how well you speak about YOU.  I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook â€" The Definitive Guide to Creating and Using an Elevator Speech.  In this guide, I give you simple to follow instructions for creating a “wardrobe” of ways to talk about you â€" to leave a lasting impression. Get your copy now! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

Online Ratio and Proportion Tutors

Online Ratio and Proportion Tutors Ratio: It is a comparison between two different things. Example: 23 or 2:3 Proportion:It is used to compare two ratios (equivalent fractions). a: b :: c: d Cross product is a x d = b x c Here a d are extremes and b c are means. NOTE: A ratio is just a number with no units. For instance, the ratio of $6 to $2 is just 3, not $3. Ratios like 6 to 1 can be considered as 6. Ratios can be determined between the quantities of same units. For example, the ratio of $6 to 2 miles cant be determined Continued proportion is defined as the equality of three or more proportions. 1) Suppose p is the number of women and a is the number of men in a class. (a) Find the women to men ratio? Answer: p : a (or) p/a (or) p to a (b) Find men to women ratio? Answer: a : p (or) a/p (or) a to p 2) A and P together have $ 120. If 6 of As amount is equal to 3 of Ps amount, how much amount does P have? (a) $ 40 (b) $ 120 (c) $ 80 (d) $ 60 Answer: c Explanation: 6A = 3P A:P = 1:2

Find an Economics Tutor in London

Find an Economics Tutor in London How to Find Your Ideal Economics Tutor in London ChaptersFinding the Help You NeedCampus Resources to ExploreWhat About Online Tutoring?Talk about diversity! Talk about history... the global city we call London has it all, even though the concepts of diversity and history themselves are often considered mutually exclusive.To wit, economic history tends to be overlooked in favour of social history, and especially military history.As a student of economics, walking the roughly 3 km ² area that comprises medieval London, do you reflect on the systems of accounting that went into establishing what, today, is considered the financial capital of the world?Microeconomics and macroeconomicsdevelopmental economics â€" yes, at that time, England was a developing country!Labour economics: what was the human cost of building those magnificent structures?business economics: even back then, the as-yet unnamed enterprise called capitalism flourished!international economics, including trade: how did we become a nation of tea drinkers?environmental economics â€" from the quarries that produced the stone for those buildings to the land they are built on...Then again, perhaps these thoughts never entered your mind.Could it be that you are overwhelmed in your studies? Bogged down by the battering of maths you are expected to master in order to earn your undergraduate degree?Turn down that noise and cheer up: there is help for you!You can find solace in tutoring from a qualified instructor, well-versed in the principles of economics and statistical analysis.How to find that lone person in our country's most populous city?Let Superprof help! Find an economist GMAT tutor here.the disconnect in the curriculum, between economic theory and real-world economic events, that have sent students worldwide into protest.Indeed, if you are working towards your Bachelor of Science at the University of London (School of Economics), your core class requirements consist almost exclusively of mathematics and statistics, and even your elective choi ces depend largely on your ability to calculate!That being the case, would you be better served by a math tutor?Conversely, should you look forward to starting your Bachelor of Arts studies in Economics at the University of London this autumn, your course requirements would emphasise the study and application of economic theory.Subjects in your degree plan include Perspective from Social Science and History of Economic Ideas, just to name two!Naturally, you will still endure calculus and statistics courses, but the maths is nowhere near as intensive as if you were to select the Science degree.Thus it follows that you may need a writing tutor, more so than a maths tutor, in order to compose effective essays and powerful papers... all good training for writing your thesis!What if you are preparing to sit your A-Levels in Economics?In this instance more so than the first two, you would need an Economics tutor: to clarify economic theories and help make sense of outliers in statistical models.Fortunately for you â€" and for first-year university students, you may benefit from tutelage by a student at minimum one level higher than you.According to recommended guidelines, a personal tutor should be at least one level higher than the tutee.That means that studying with a student at university while you have yet to sit A-Levels is not only perfectly acceptable, it could even be beneficial!They still remember their ordeal, and could give you tips for a successful exam!Let's go find one now, shall we?Campus Resources to ExploreAlthough A-Levels study is mostly independent, there are still advisers and instructors for you to rely on. You may ask those mentors where to turn for qualified help.As for higher-level scholars...  The psychology of students who are in the first year of their Economics program at university goes through a bit of battering.Not only from the massive maths and critical thinking they are required to do, but also because their change of environment a nd the dramatic departure from traditional, teacher-led instruction.Thus it stands to reason that they would need academic support along with fellowship group studying could bring.The Student UnionYou may find tuition and people passionate about economics at your campus' student union office.You should inquire whether they host study sessions in small groups, or even offer homework help and one on one tutoring.Bear in mind that you don't necessarily need an Economics graduate to teach you; students only one level higher qualify â€" as long as you are confident you can learn from them.Ask around: you may find a tutor through the Economics department Source: Pixabay Credit: QuinntheislanderWhat the Department of Economics Has to OfferForget for a moment the image of austere professors, slamming shut their satchels at class's end and swirling out of the lecture hall in a tornado of tweed!If a certain study subject has you stymied, you may ask your professor for help, or to recommend a particularly accomplished student to tutor you.If there are no other classes to rush off to, you may be surprised that your teacher would take a few minutes and adopt a gentler tone while explaining to you the fundamentals of econometrics.If you are indeed left with an impression of tweed as the door slams shut, perhaps directing yourself to the econ administrative office would yield answers.Not for your Economics texts, unfortunately. However, it is entirely possible that that office staff maintains a list of tutors or tutoring services you might find helpful.While you're in the office, be sure to check the bulletin board, where such adverts might be waiting for you to discover them.Be sure to check the bulletin boards in your dormitory, the dining hall and the campus library, as well!The library is another place where you might find individualized tutoring: find out if there are any study groups â€" for math, calculus, statistics or economics that meet there regularly.Finally, if you've downloaded the campus' student app, log in regularly to see what opportunities lurk there.You might even post an advert yourself, either on the app or on those above-mentioned bulletin boards... or both!What About Online Tutoring?Indeed, you clever Economics major, there is a wealth of private tutoring to be found online, and there are several ways to go about benefiting from it!You should first ask yourself a few questions:What do you need help with â€" maths? Maybe a writing tutor?Would only a private tutor be capable of building your confidence?If so, is home tutoring your preferred option, or might you learn well with an online tutor?Would you consider being tutored a part of a small group of tutees?How do you feel about tutoring companies?What about free tutoring?The economics of tutoring definitely impacts you, especially if your budget is tight: in-home tutoring can be an expensive proposition!While free tutoring would seem like the best option for your wallet, you may be leery of the quality of instruction you would receive.On the other end of the spectrum, tutoring agencies have all of the necessary qualifications to guarantee top-shelf instruction, but the cost of such academic tutoring could be prohibitive.Home tutoring suffers the same stigma, and unfairly so.Superprof registers more than 60 Economics tutors in the London area, most of whom would meet you for instruction. The overwhelming majority also give lessons via webcam, should that suit you better.The average price for a Superprof tutor in Economics is a surprisingly low £27 per hour, and most of these educators offer their first lesson for free!Wait a minute: doesn't that correspond to Mankiw's 4th Principle of Economics?Discover other Tutorials OnlineAs the London Metropolitan landscape is dotted with institutes of higher learning, it should come as no surprise that you could find MOOCs attached to just about any campus, for any discipline.MOOCs, or massive open online courses, are taught strictly online. They consist of a blend of lectures, videos and, most importantly, student discussion panels.In fact, your input on those discussions is mandatory for successful completion of these extracurricular courses.If you are enrolled at the University of London, you will find several such classes available to you.The best aspect of MOOCs is that they are, for the most part, completely free!No hard-nosed teachers await if you work with a tutor online! Source: Pixabay Credit: 1820796The Khan AcademyIf you don't mind an American accent, you may find a load of helpful information in the Khan Academy Economics tutorials.This free programme consists of short video segments, bookended by quizzes to test your knowledge going into the topic, and determine how much you've learned after absorbing the presented material.If you are struggling with economics concepts, this online library of tutorial videos might just be a treasure trove.On the other hand, if you need personalized instruction, you will not find it at Khan's.To our knowledge, that is this learning site's only drawback: you work independently, with no feedback or supplemental instruction tailored exactly to your needs.Whether you prefer the teaching methods exercised at a tutoring center, would rather undergo one to one sessions in your home or have grown partial to tutoring online, ways to find the right economics tutor for your needs are controlled by only three factors.The best tutors are affordable, knowledgeable and passionate about their subject.At the convergence of those points, you will find your ideal tutor. Good luck!Looking for an economics tutor in the UK? See below!Tutors in ManchesterTutors in LeedsTutors in GlasgowTutors in Birmingham

A Beautiful State of Harmony Orchestrate Your Perfect Symphony

A Beautiful State of Harmony Orchestrate Your Perfect Symphony Supporting our students in all their endeavors is what we do best at AJ Tutoring. That means providing the best academic tutoring to help students achieve a strong understanding of the topics they’re learning in school, as well as preparing them for the rigors of standardized exams like the AP and SAT Subject tests that go hand in hand with their classes.My name is Robert Jonas, and I serve as the Academic Dean at AJ Tutoring. My role is to train and support our tutors so they may best guide our students through the various academic and test preparation challenges that come up in high school. I also provide leadership through our monthly themes rallying and focusing our team on many of the critical functions they perform throughout the school year.In February, our theme is “A Beautiful State of Harmony,” which is a reminder how intertwined all of our efforts are here at AJ to provide the best care for our students. Many clients come to us seeking help preparing for exams, whil e others were referred our way for academic support. Most are pleasantly surprised that our amazing team of tutors provides both! A long term commitment to our students’ success is our primary goal.What does that mean at this time of year? For many high school students, the current focus is the upcoming AP Exams and SAT Subject Tests. AJ has developed a robust test preparation program around these standardized exams, and nearly all of our students have benefitted from the test taking expertise we have developed with them in these offerings. With these programs, it is our goal to help students take another important step forward in the college application process. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us today to learn more about how we can help your student navigate the test taking process!Personally, I have been amazed by the work ethic, progress, and achievements that I have witnessed through the years in working with Bay Area students. I take great pride in helping students a chieve the grades they want in their chemistry classes, especially when it can boost their GPAs, but I’ve been so pleased to see how many of them have parlayed that knowledge to earn top scores on the AP and SAT Subject Chemistry exams. AJ Tutoring was built on the care and expertise of our educators. Emphasizing a 1-on-1 format and customized support, we help each of our students maximize his or her potential in class and on test day. Starting early with the end in mind and utilizing AJ’s knowledge of the process are vital to planning for a successful spring. You can “orchestrate your perfect symphony” today, and enjoy the beautiful music for the rest of the school year.